Deer are part of the Cervidae family that include moose, reindeer, elk and other species. Male deer grow new antlers each year. Animals such as antelope resemble deer in a number of ways but have horns instead of antlers, the difference being that horns are not grown and replaced like antlers are. During the mating season male deer will often use their antlers to fight for the attention of female deer. Many species of deer have been hunted over the years for their antlers. A male deer is usually called a ‘buck’. A large male deer is often called ‘stag’. A female deer is usually called a ‘doe’. A young deer is usually called a ‘fawn’. A group of deer is known as a ‘herd’. Deer have long legs typically suited to the environments they live in. They can jump high and swim well. Most deer are born with white spots but lose them within a year. Deer take their first steps within half an hour of their birth. Young deer will usually stay with their mother for around a year.
Information source comes from fun deer facts for kids interesting information about deer.
Female deer is called doe which also comes under the alphabet "D". Can you think of other animals where the male, female or baby names start with the same letter of the alphabet?
ReplyDeleteI have an idea for the next animal. It is Ewe. It is sounds like Eu.
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